Board of Selectmen
The Select Board is the governing body of the town and Town Meeting is the legislative body. The selectmen are the executive, managerial and administrative body that does what is necessary to carry out the votes enacted at town meeting. Under RSA 41:8, in addition to a host of specific statutory duties, the board of selectmen’s duty is to "manage the prudential affairs of the town." Authority rests with the board acting as a whole. All actions taken by the selectmen must be voted on by a majority of the board at a public meeting that complies with the Right to Know Law, RSA Chapter 91-A. We often have openings on boards, commissions and committees, and encourage residents that are interested to serve to contact this office. We welcome residents to observe our meetings. If you would like to meet with the Selectmen, please call the office (603-239-4232) to make an appointment.