Jim McConnell to host Vets Hall meeting


Representative Jim McConnell, Cheshire 12 (Richmond & Swanzey) will hold two Town Hall Meetings. The first will be on Thursday, June 4th at 7 PM at the Westport Church, Westport Village Road, Swanzey and the second, on Wednesday, June 10th at 7 PM at Veterans Hall, Richmond.


Representative McConnell is a member of the Legislative Delegation’s Executive Committee and a member of the Legislative Delegation’s Nursing Home Subcommittee.


These are open Town Hall Meetings. All questions will be asked from the floor. There will be no prescreening of questions.


Representative McConnell would like everyone to know how to access his voting record prior to the meetings and has included the following information with this Press Release.


  1. Go to http://gencourt.state.nh.us


  2. Choose Voting Records on the link under State Legislative Dashboard


  3. Search either Legislative Body by Session Year


  4. After choosing the Legislative Body and Session Year, you can search by Bill Number, Session Date or by Member