Richmond Community Development Association Mtg.


Visionary Process Summary


J.B. Mack, Project Manager at the Southwest Regional Planning Commission, will provide an integrated proposal for us to consider as we move forward with a Town planning process for the area that encompasses the Four Corners Store and Municipal Buildings from the Library to the Veterans Hall, and Town owned land in-between. All residents, municipal boards, committees and commissions, elected and appointed officials, employees and volunteers, and business owners and other stakeholders will be invited to this planning event. Maps, existing uses of land, boundary lines, perhaps a visual survey or photographic survey will help the Town visualize what it wants in this area.* Options will be developed and discussed, for instance, what happens if the store is not viable following the site and building health hazard assessment; should trails be developed on town land; should the park be moved?"



Please note:  The Richmond Community Development Association is NOT a town appointed committee.  The meeting is being posted as informational only.