Emergency Management

Emergency Management

RSA 21-P:36 establishes the Division of Emergency Services in the New Hampshire Depart­ment of Safety. RSA 21-P:37 gives the governor direct operational control over emergency management functions “[i]n the event of disaster beyond local control.” RSA 21-P:39 requires New Hampshire municipalities to establish a local emergency management organization “in accordance with the state emergency management plan and program.” The local emergency management organization must perform emergency management functions within the territo­rial limits of the municipality. It is the duty of every organization for emergency management to execute and enforce the orders, rules and regulations made by the governor. RSA 21-P:45.


A director is appointed by the municipality’s governing body (board of selectmen) and has direct responsibility for the organization, administration and operation of the organization, subject to the direction and control of the selectmen.

Richmond Emergency Management Director:   William Pearsall

The Emergency Operations Center is located next to the Fire Department.